How to sell

Vendere una collezione

Large or small may it be, forming a coin collection always means facing with the market, as each item must be bought.

Then, after some time, the coin returns to the market.

The same situation occurs for important collectible items, such as watches, jewels or antique books.

Once the collector has decided to sell what he owns, choosing a company to rely on is a mandatory step.

Nomisma is ready to assist the customer throughout the whole sale process, whether it comprises an entire coin or watch collection, a library or even a single object.

Our full color hardcover catalogues, beautifully embellished with several enlargements, are the ideal means to achieve the highest possible market value.

Thanks to its many years’ experience, Nomisma is able to help the collector all along the path that leads from the decision to sell to the final realization.

Sometimes, making choices and decisions is not easy. Fortunately, our consultants are here to help, providing the seller with full assistance.

When it comes to important lot consignments, negotiations can be conducted directly at the customers’ place, in order to check the material and give an immediate estimate.